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Emergency Management


As required by state law, the City of North Plains has an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) to prevent, minimize, respond to, or recover from emergencies and disasters within the boundaries of the City. This plan was updated by staff and an emergency manager contractor and adopted by City Council in March 2021. The EOP provides a framework for the management of emergency situations - from natural disasters to infectious diseases to man-made threats - in order to protect and preserve the welfare and safety of the residents of North Plains.

North Plains is also a partner in the Washington County Emergency Management Cooperative which works to develop and maintain a countywide, integrated system for preparing and responding to disasters.

The City’s Public Works Director is the designated Emergency Manager and is responsible for preparing for and responding to emergencies in partnership with the county, state, and many other partners. However, it is up to ALL OF US to take steps to be ready in case of an emergency.

Below are tips and resources to help you and your family be prepared for possible emergencies.
What Can You Do to Prepare?Your chances of surviving a disaster rest largely on what you do to prepare. Getting prepared for disasters is easy but you need to resolve to take action. The tools you need to help prepare can be found here. You'll discover many "how-to" aids and links to recommended sources at the bottom of the page. Make time to review them and create a plan for becoming more resilient.

Recommended actions:

For Individuals and Families

  • Create a plan for how you and your family will respond during a disaster.
  • Teach family members when and how to shut off utilities.
  • Each year, practice a fire drill and a "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" earthquake drill.
  • Work toward having at least a two-week supply of food, water, and emergency supplies. Include supplies for your pets.
  • Identify and protect important documents. 
  • Visit PublicAlerts.org to sign up for important emergency alerts to stay informed about local emergencies.

For Vulnerable Populations

  • Seniors: Identify the essential things you will need to survive for at least two weeks if assistance cannot get to you.
  • Children: Involve children in your preparedness actions, for example, pack supplies, practice drills, and review the actions you want them to take in different emergency situations.
  • Individuals with disabilities or others with access and functional needs: Develop a plan and a personal support network of family, friends, and caregivers who can help you in an emergency. If you use powered medical equipment, plan alternate ways to charge your life-supporting communication and assistive technology devices.
  • Animals: Make plans now for what you will do with your pets if you have to evacuate suddenly. Check to make sure you have safe carriers for each pet.
For Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Regulated Healthcare Entities

  • Review Washington County's local CMS-regulated entity emergency preparedness FAQs and algorithm.
  • Develop an emergency plan based on a risk assessment and using an "all-hazards" approach.
  • Develop and implement policies and procedures based on the emergency plan and risk assessment that are reviewed and updated at least annually.
  • Develop and maintain an emergency preparedness communication plan that complies with federal, state, and local laws.
  • Develop and maintain training and testing programs, including initial training in policies and procedures. Facilities must conduct drills and exercises to test the emergency plan or participate in an actual incident that tests the plan.
For Businesses

  • Identify workplace hazards that could cause injury, property damage, business disruption, and/or environmental impact.
  • Examine ways to prevent or minimize hazards and reduce risks.
  • Complete a Business Continuity Plan.
  • Develop backup plans for loss of power, communications, and access to the Internet.
  • Communicate your plan and expected actions to all employees.
For Schools

  • Create an all-hazards response plan to safeguard students and staff.
  • Communicate the plan and expected actions to students, school staff, and parents.
  • Build grab-and-go kits for possible evacuations.
  • Practice emergency response drills, e.g., earthquake, fire, and active shooter.
  • Maintain plans with annual updates.
Campaigns, Kits, and Games

  • Get familiar with Take 5 to Survive, a campaign addressing two real obstacles to getting prepared - lack of time and lack of money. Take 5 breaks down what can seem like a monumental task into bite-sized pieces that can be accomplished over time.
  • Visit the Red Cross Survival Kit Supplies web page to learn what supplies you need in a survival kit and take a short quiz to test your survival knowledge.
  • Check out the Preparing Together Discussion Guide and Toolkit from any library in Washington County. This regionally developed program includes a kit with teaching materials that anyone can present to groups they support.
  • Neighborhood Ready is a program that keeps communities strong by connecting neighbors so they can work together to deter crime, prepare for and respond to major storms, earthquakes, and other emergencies, clean up their neighborhood and socialize. Connected neighborhoods are not only safe, they're fun. Organizing your neighbors, inventorying their skills, and identifying resources are components of this program. Use the Neighborhood Ready guide to connect with your neighbors by hosting a Neighborhood Ready meeting.
  • Involve the kids and play some games, such as Beat the Quake. Test your earthquake safety knowledge.
Helpful Resources & Links
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Document Center

The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function.

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Supporting Documents5 documents

  • Together we Prepare Oregon
    document seq 0.00
  • FEMA Emergency Supplies Checklist
    document seq 0.00
  • Five Steps for you to Take Now
    document seq 0.00
  • Neighborhood Ready Guide
    document seq 0.00
  • North Plains Emergency Operations Plan_2021
    document seq 0.00